Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November reads and trades

Damodaran on why Twitter is worth half of current price

Whatsapp/FB merger agreement:

Buy Nikkei Div futures (rather than Nikkei futures)

Hedge Funders see Argentina boom inevitable post-Elliot issue, YPF seen best way to play rebound:

Go long shipping stocks:

Short UK Grocers (Tesco, Sainsbury):

Apollo - Short select US credit:
“All the danger signs are there of a future crisis." The vehicle, run by John Zito, will focus on so-called event-driven shorts, such as leveraged-buyout candidates and companies with regulatory risks, as well as companies with flawed business models or those facing competitive pressures. It will also ferret out corporations that would suffer from a slowdown in global growth, such as mining companies or those with exposure to emerging markets or China, according to the presentation.
It cites target returns of more than 50% if a 2008-type financial crisis occurs, and gains of about 1% to 3% in a more benign economic environment.
The document for the fund, which was started nine months ago with Apollo’s capital, cited Genworth Financial Inc , Getty Images Inc. and high-yield ETFs among potential money-makers. Genworth could be susceptible to real-estate risk in Australia and Getty faces “substantial competitive pressure,”.

Glenview long long term Monsanto:
"In a utopian world we would all be able to shop with hedge-fund managers and Hollywood stars and pay whatever we wanted at Whole Foods. In the real world, we do need to increase the food supply and GMOs unlock the key to that,” he said, referring to genetically modified organisms."
Also still long Humana to play ageing demographic trend