Friday, February 6, 2009

so the NFP comes out terribly and the market rallies like crazy.
surely no one believes that there is legs in this rally, so why do they buy?
maybe its smart traders (big prop desks?) who know that there are many people short who know that equities should fundamentally weaken, but are weak hands so will close quickly once trades turn against them.
I doubt dumb money will have so much buying power to bust up so strongly on a day like this. Whoever is making this move is big, and probably knows what they are doing (i.e. not dumb).

I feel stupid for being on the wrong side of this trade, but i'm not a weak hand!

i'm gonna hate them if they push SPX to 1100 tho....

UPDATE: Silly me, I overlooked the fact that 'bad = good". The worse the NFP was, the more likely the stimulus plan will pass.

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